We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
Tutorial (Tutor) / Form Time or Assembly (minor editing) resource which looks at the mental health technique of reframing negative thoughts.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Ideal for KS3 - KS5
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Activity Tasks
Starter and plenary task
Optional Careers Slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Tutorial (Tutor) / Form Time or Assembly (minor editing) resource which looks at relaxation techniques including why relaxation is important and some ways of becoming relaxed. We have lots of other mental health resources on our TES Shop and website.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Ideal for KS3 - KS5
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Activity Tasks
Starter and plenary task
Optional Careers Slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE Tutorial (Tutor) / Form Time resource which looks at an unplanned pregnancy including how you would know you were pregnant and the options available, considers from the perspective of both a girl and a boy.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. meets PSHE guidance.
Tutorial includes-
Optional careers slide
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clip
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE / Citizenship Tutorial (Tutor) / Form Time resource which looks at hate crimes including what they are, the problems they create and the law surrounding them.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or Citizenship teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Tutorial includes-
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Tutorial (Tutor) / Form Time or assembly resource which looks at ways in which to revise. Ideal for younger years who may not have revised before or as a recap for older students.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.*
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Tutorial form time / Assembly resource on the topic of anxiety. Resource covers consideration of how we support our own wellbeing, the impact of anxiety as a mental health condition and ways in which we can support ourselves and others suffering with anxiety. The resource aims to remind pupils that anxiety is a normal and important feeling to keep us safe and only becomes problematic when it impacts our ability to live our daily lives. Also available as a full lesson resource here
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute tutorial or assembly but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. You may need to edit this resource for use as an assembly.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or teacher. Meets PSHE Guidance
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Video clip
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE Lesson resource looking at Female Genital Mutilation / FGM which looks at labelling the female reproductive organs, different types of FGM, the consequences, the law and religious beliefs on FGM.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). You may wish to print the vulva diagram but this is not needed. Pupils will need electronic devices for some tasks. The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or Citizenship teacher. Meets PSHE Guidance
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clips
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE Tutorial / Form time resource which looks at snus / nicotine pouches considering what they are, how they are used, their use among footballers and why their use is not considered safe.
We also offer a full 1 hour lesson on this topic area. Please see our TES Shop or website here
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning or preparation required). There is a news article which requires pupils to have devices or would need to be printed. The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Teacher guidance slides
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE Tutorial (Tutor) / Form Time resource which looks at bereavement / mourning including what it is and how we can support ourselves and others when experiencing grief. This is also available as a full 1 hour lesson.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Teacher and pupil guidance slides
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE form time tutorial resource which looks at the reasons for choosing to marry or cohabit, the legality of marriage, the benefits that come from marriage, the need for marriage to be entered into freely and marriage as a protected characteristic.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Ask an expert further support slide
You may also wish to take a look at our resource on family here
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE form time tutorial resource which looks at the importance of family and different family types.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Teacher and pupil guidance slides
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Tutorial / Assembly resource which looks at the Islamic celebration of Eid Ul Fitr / Id ul fitr covering how and why it is celebrated as well as exploring the payment of Zakat. There is a teacher guidance slide which gives some general information for teachers to consider and be aware of during this time. Tasks could be set as discussion or consider tasks.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial / assembly (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced RE teacher and contains pronunciation information of possibly unfamiliar terms.
Ideal for KS2 - KS4
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Video clips
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Teacher Guidance Slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE Tutorial resource which looks at vaping in relation to what it is, what a vape contains, why young people might do it and the consequences of doing so. This resource was recently praised by Ofsted in a form time observation.
Please see our shop to find our FREE vaping posters, this tutorial is also available in a full lesson format here
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Tutorial includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video Clip
Ask an expert slide directing pupils to further support and information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
We also offer this as a full lesson resource, please see our TES Shop.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Tutorial / Assembly resource which looks at the Islamic period of Ramadan considering how and why Muslims take part in Ramadan and how pupils can support their peers. There is also a teacher guidance slide which gives some general information for teachers to consider and be aware of during this time. Tasks could be set as discussion or consider tasks.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced RE teacher.
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Video clip
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Teacher Guidance Slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop here for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Seven tutorial resources for a tutor time session of 20-25 minutes in order to build confidence in a range of areas relating to first aid.
Please see individual lessons for content information.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE first aid tutorial resource which looks at when you should perform first aid and call 999, what should be in a first aid kit and the benefits of being confident in delivering first aid.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video Clips
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Optional Religious Beliefs Slide
Please see our other First Aid resources which cover -
Bone, Joint and Muscle injuries
Recovery Position
Also available as a bundle here
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE First Aid tutorial resource which looks at when and how you would treat bone, muscle and joint injuries.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Tutorial includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video Clips
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Please see our other First Aid resources which cover -
Introduction to First Aid and calling 999
Recovery Position
Also available as a bundle here
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE form time tutorial resource which looks at when and how you would perform CPR looking at CPR on babies, children and adults.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video Clips
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Please see our other First Aid resources which cover -
Introduction to First Aid and calling 999
Recovery Position
Bone and Muscle Injury
Also available as a bundle here
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE, first aid form time tutorial resource which looks at when and how you would use a debrillator in a first aid incident.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video Clips
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Please see our other First Aid resources which cover -
Introduction to First Aid and calling 999
Recovery Position
Bone and Muscle Injury
Also available as a bundle
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE, first aid form time tutorial resource which looks at how to safely deal with an injury which has caused significant bleeding.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video Clips
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Please see our other First Aid resources which cover -
Introduction to First Aid and calling 999
Recovery Position
Bone and Muscle Injury
Available as bundle
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
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Youcantknoweverything Education